From small seeds, strong trees grow

We are Matt and Alison, the creators of Hawthorn crafts. We started out small, producing handmade items and finding stalls where we could. Since then our little Hawthorn tree has gone through growth and changes.

Both of us are practicing Heathens (a belief commonly known as Asatru) and members of the UK pagan community and this influences a great deal of Matt’s art. Sharing Matt’s art with the world brings us great joy and we have put so much time and passion into our little Hawthorn.

Why Hawthorn Crafts?
“When I was a child my friends and myself would go to a hawthorn wood, by the side of an disused railway, to play. It was in this place that I first felt a magical connection to nature and awakened a need to connect to my spiritual side through art. Since then I have felt a strong link to this magical tree that, here in the northern hemisphere, seems to signal the coming of each season. Foxes also play a strong role in my spirituality as, in adulthood, it was a fox that guided me back to the Heathen path. Our logo represents a fox and hawthorn branch.” - Matt Poole, owner and resident artist.

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